Block ads and pop-ups on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch and your favorite websites. In addition to pop-ups, AdLock can block all other types of ads in Google Chrome. Think about video and audio ads that play automatically, banners, inappropriate ads, and flashy gifs. And above all, unmissable announcements before and during the video on YouTube and other video platforms.
With AdLock, you'll forget about all the inconveniences related to online advertising. Suppose that some website owners violate the Coalition for Better Ads policies by displaying unacceptable types of ads. Sites would also see ads blocked in Chrome if they played sounds unexpectedly or used a lot of flash animation. If the notification is not ignored or the changes are delayed, Google will block all types of ads on that website.
It exchanges all the URLs of known ad servers with a null character, that is, when the computer tries to access the Internet, the service that converts the URLs in English into the IP addresses of the websites, returns to the computer, so that the ads are never downloaded and tons of data, time and utility are saved. Fortunately, all users can use a completely free, subscription-free method to block ads throughout the system, regardless of the browser they use, as well as games, file sharing programs, or programs that use the Internet to work, forever. If recovering your browser didn't block ads on Google Chrome and other browsers, you should take a look at the big shots. If you tolerate ads, but there are some specific websites that drive even the toughest ones like you crazy, you may have looked for ways to block ads on those sites.
Of course, the use of ad blockers has several moral implications, since everything you basically see on the Internet comes from funding the ads themselves.